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Bit about myself

I am a designer who enjoys working across several disciplines. I like to make an impact through holistic solutions.My design journey so far has been absolutely immersive and it almost always had a personal impact. I am intrigued by the idea that design can affect people on an emotional level.The possibility of using design as an approach to help people understand themselves has always excited me.

I create through
Social Innovation
Service Design
Behavior design
Product Design
Speculative Design


Design was the tool to link abilities in a way to speculate the possibility of change.

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to observe

of change

to imagine

To me, the possibility of change, comes with the ability to sustain what design creates.


And designing to sustain entails ...

Looking outside

To address global needs, and visualise alternate futures whilst leaping to imagine beyond today's solutions. In the process discovering what we might be missing in the way we live today.

Looking beside

Looking around

Thinking of communities, their needs, how they communicate. Exploring their problems with a contextual cultural lens, and transitioning to circular solutions to uphold our
basic virtues.

Maintaining crucial
with the people around us, and staying in healthy relationships with the ones we surround ourselves with.

Looking inside

Looking at our internal layers and what they are made of, and understanding ourselves. Helping to navigate the powerful reflections we have and constantly working on our psyche.

My journey so far... 

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